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Found 7365 results for any of the keywords science engineering and. Time 0.010 seconds.
International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and TechnologySJIF Value - International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology (IJISET) is an scholarly, online international journal which aims to Publishes peer reviewed original research result oriented Survey pa
No TitleInternational National Journals with HIGH IMPACT Factor HIGH NAAS Rating...
Yenepoya Institute of TechnologyINFORMATION SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
IJISET | International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering andIJISET is an online international journal, to Publishes original and research result oriented Survey papers in the fields of Engineering and Sciences
IJISET | International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering andIJISET is an online international journal, to Publishes original and research result oriented Survey papers in the fields of Engineering and Sciences
Yenepoya Institute of TechnologyNBA-Accredited : B.E (CSE & ME) (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgavi)
International journal of engineering science-engineering journalInternational journal of engineering and technology-international journal of recent scientific research- research journal of applied sciences engineering and technology
International Journal |high impact factor|low publication|fee|chargIJRDT is international journal of engineering and technology for research with high impact factor 3.82 and has low publication charges or fee 1000 and conference 500 more
Research and Reviews - International Journals | Peer-reviewed ScienceResearch and Reviews International Journals list includes Journals on Agriculture Ayush General Sciences Dental Sciences Engineering and Scientific Journals
ICMJE | Journals stating that they follow the ICMJE RecommendationsThe ICMJE cannot verify the completeness or accuracy of this list.
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